Here are some memories that I'm sure are not just mine: 1. The silly array of seat colors attributed to the construction mess in 1967. 2. Dick Stanford saying "The following penalties have been assessed" 3. Strong beer in the Blue Line Club 4. Smith/Payne/McAdam 5. Getting on "Fan in the Stands" with Al (I drew Murray Oliver, my brother got Dave Keon) 6. Ed Belfour being ejected as the 3rd man in the fight, New Years' eve in 91 (loudest I ever heard the Met except in the finals) 7. Paul Shmyr's breakaway goal in the playoffs vs. Montreal in 1980 8. Plastic dinosaurs 9. Tailgating during the playoffs 10. Any cheesy North Stars souvnir (swizzle sticks, Pabst player sketches etc.)
.... Patrick Lethert,
Ken, thank you so much for this memorial to the best team in Minnesota ever -- The North Stars. Not a day goes by when I don't miss that team. I used to work at Met Center for 3 seasons. I started out in maintenance, cleaning up after the games. I then moved over to Ushering. I've worked over 100 North Star games, and I never got bored at any one of them.
It wasn't always easy working the games, but there was no place else I would have rather been. The North Star fans were the best fans ever. I met many North Stars who would tell me that after games, before exiting the building. Because I worked near the locker rooms after the games, my dream of meeting my "heros" came true. I got to meet my all time favorite North Star, Neal Broten. I also met many others, including Dino Cicarelli, Jon Casey, and Brian Bellows. It was a time in my life that will never come again.
Like so many other fans, I was introduced to the North Stars by my dad. He took me to my first game when I was 12. I can still remember that game against the Calgary flames, too. I can remember watching greats like Bobby Smith, Neal Broten, Dino Cicarelli, and Don Beaupre when they were all rookies. I remember on nights when the North Stars would be playing out west, I would go to bed and hide my radio under my pillow so I could still listen to the game and pretend I was asleep. I was given a North Stars jersey for Christmas one year, and dozens of years later, it is still one of my most treasured memories of the team....
I am really excited for the next generation of the NHL in Minnesota.... All I really care about is carrying on the tradition that my dad started, with my kids: taking them to a professional hockey game in Minnesota and giving them the same kind of memories that they will cherish forever, too. I only hope that my kids will be able to pass that tradition on to the next generation of our family. Fortunately, I think the NHL will be here for a long, long time.
Ken, I too dream of better days gone bye. My first hockey game was when I was 8 yrs old and my dad took me. I've got a NS jersey and it's been archived . I'm in the service and don't live in the promised land anymore but there are alot of Minnesotan's that I work with and we can dream of bodily injury to Mr. Green. I'm borrowing your NS logo to make a screen saver for our shop on the ship, and I was mildly suprised to find your page on the net. Bravo Zulu in the Navy means damn good job done. Keep the faith Ken.
..... Mark Perry
To: old fans,
Here's a strange letter that I recieved from the North Stars addressed to the season ticket holders in that final year they skipped town. No one believed the Stars would ever leave us.
My greatest memory came in the spring of 1971, when the North Stars eliminated the hated St. Louis Blues, 4 games to 2 in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I attended Game #6 at a rollicking Met Sports Center. In a tense game the Blues scored first, but then the North Stars rallied for 4 goals in the last 10 minutes of the second period to blow the Blues away.
Ted Hampson, Lou Nanne, Bobby Rousseau, and Doug Mohns all beat Ernie Fakely to send Met Center into hysterics. In the 3rd period the organist and the crowd serenaded the Blues with a chorus of "Bye, Bye, Blues" over and over. I thought Barclay Plager was going to go nuts and kill somebody. Anyway, after the game (a 5-2 win), Bob Plager went in the North Stars bench, and shook everyone's hand, something I'll always remember. Even though it was a school night, we stayed after the game and greeted our heroes as they emerged from the west side's lower level. It was on to Montreal for the Semi-Finals!
Jeff Burianek, Woodbury, MN
I've lived in Minnesota my whole life and had followed the North Stars since the mid 70's. One of my favorie childhood memories is listening to Al Shaver, calling games on the radio. Those home games were really fun as the siren sounded and the crowd would go nuts after each goal. During the 79-81 seasons, it seemed almost every goal was from the McAdam-Payne-Smith line. Yes, those were the days. It's too bad my son won't have the same kind of memories. Thanks Norm-You Jerk!
.... UFC, St.Cloud, MN
Greetings from Omaha, Nebraska. I've totally enjoyed your NHL Northstars page. Very impressive work. I feel for you losing your team to Texas. I, too, had my favorite team leave me. The Seals in 1976 left Oakland. I still love hockey though. I've followed Wayne Gretzky's career since day one and have had a lot of fun following his teams. I guess I payed my dues with the Seals.
Here are the three games in my life that I've seen the Northstars play. As an 7th grader I saw the Northstars beat the Seals 2-1 in Oakland on Friday March 31, 1972. The Seals didn't make the playoffs that season. Gump Worsley was in net for the Northstars. I moved to Omaha the following year and my Dad took me out of school for two days to travel with him to the Twin Cities. There, I took in the Mapleleafs vs Northstars game at the Met on Thursday December 6, 1973. The Leafs crushed the Stars 4-1 in front of a full house.
The last time I saw the Stars play was on Saturday January 15, 1983. The Edmonton Oilers dumped the Stars 10-4 with Gretzky scoring 1 goal and assisting on 5 others as the Met crowd was starting to get down on their Stars.
......Bob Marceau; Omaha, Ne.
Ken, I started following the North Stars in the late 70's when I was in elementary school. I grew up in a small town about an hour south of the Twin Cities that was not exactly the hockey fan center of the state. However, once I started watching the game, I was hooked. I remember the Stanley Cup run against the Islanders and listening to Al on my headphones while I did my paper route. I finally convinced my father to take me to a game during the 1983-84 season. Naturally, the team that I chose to see was the always hated Chicago Blackhawks. The North Stars won 10-5, Dino had a hat trick, and Al Secord was given all the respect he deserved from the sold out Met Center crowd.
One of my best memories from college (Winona State University) is when my floor of Morey Hall (about 2/3 of which was Illinois born) rented a charter bus and headed to the Met Center in Nov. 1986 to experience the greatest rivalry in Mn sports history (Stars-Blackhawks). The Stars lost (despite Craig Hartsburg's hattrick), our section got booed (deservedly so), and I'm sure many of my Chicago friends don't remember much of anything from the evening.
Another of my greatest memories, was being able to attend 5 playoff games the 2nd time the Stars made it to the cup. They did win all 5. The tailgating, the noise when the Stars came onto the ice, the high-fives with total strangers, and the parking lot with car horns blaring are all memories that I will have forever......"
.... Bob Staska
Ken, I remember sitting at home and listening to Al Shaver years before I ever got to go to Met Center. When Al called a game you didn't need a TV - you could see everyone....every move....every play....every goal. I remember falling asleep at night with the headphones trying to catch the end of games being played on the west coast.
Mostly - I miss the guys - they were the best and the nicest - always stopping to chat with the kids and to sign autographs. Big Bad Basil - we were all members of the Basil McRae School of Ballet. And finally - I really miss Met Center. In all the arenas I've been to since those days - never have I found ice that smelled as good as our Met Center's ice.
...Timya Ewing, St. Paul MN
I followed the North Stars for years and the fondest memory was the first and last North Star game that I attended. It was April 4, 1993 against the Buffalo Sabres at Met Center. We had row 6 seats and enjoyed the entire game from practice to final buzzer as the Stars won 3-1. The crowd and atmosphere were like none that I have ever seen at a professional hockey game. I just wished I could have attended more Stars games before they left town.
.... Keith Gibson, Charlotte MI
I'm from Hamilton, Ontario and I was a North Star fan from 1967 until their most ugly demise.( NORM SUCKS). Why you might ask, since the Toronto Maple Leafs are about an hour from here? I really don't know. My Dad sez it was because I loved their shirts! Who knows.........I do know that the NHL has never been the same for me since and I now very rarely watch it.
It's just not the same any more without my Stars and if you don't really care about another team what's the use?. (Dallas Stars.....NEVER!!!!) The only good that came out of the whole ugly mess is when I heard that they were most definately moving to Dallas. It was then I decided to take my 2 boys and myself to Bloomington and finally see my North Stars live at the Met Center (my visa smarted for months!!!!) Anyways' we ended up at the second to last game at the Met Center and enjoyed a fantastic come from behind win over the Blues. It was a weekend that my boys and I will never ever forget. I shot three rolls of film and ended up bringing home three game used hockey sticks on the plane!!!!
.... Hamilton, Ontario
The first game I ever attended at the Met Center was in 1976 vs Buffalo. I was a kid and because I had just moved to Minnesota from upstate NY, I was still a big Sabre fan....The Sabres, with most of the 1975 final team entact, beat the Stars that night...Punch Imlach was in attendance and I got his autogragh...
...Dale Campbell, Woodbury, MN
The fondest memory I have of the Minnesota North Stars was Game #3 of the Stanley Cup Finals versus Pittsburgh. That was the last time I was able to attend a North Stars game and the last win ever for the Minnesota North Stars in the Stanley Cup Finals. I will always remember the deafening sound in the Met that day as the club won for the final time that series. I worked at that time as a radio announcer in Duluth and screamed so much during that game that I lost my voice for three weeks!
Another memory I have is the day they announced the move was official. At the time I lived just outside St. Louis and the North Stars played the Blues that night on local television. The announcement was made and from that point on when they flashed the score, the Stars logo kept flashing between Minnesota and Dallas. Thinking about it still brings tears to my eyes. It's only fitting that a man named Green would destroy the Green and Gold. I will never cheer for them again. Dallas Stars? NEVER!!!
....Kevin Norling
I may have been only in 5th grade at the time the North Stars moved to Dallas, but I remember that sometimes at night I would ask my Mom why they had to move, and if the was any way that it could be stoped, but every time it was the same answer No.
Some of my favorite memories are when on New Year's we would go to the game, and after we would get to skate on the ice, and maybe if we were lucky one, or two players would come out and skate with us.
Chris Miller
Are you kidding? Who defined the new age of netkeeping? Ceasar was our Dreyden; the first of a generation of modern goalies. And was that not the badest looking mask ever?
Great site! Lotta great memories. Thanks,
Kevin Wilson
My husband and I had season tickets for many years. We collected lots of memorabilia - autographs, custom cartoons, etc.. One year we had a gold ring designed with the circled north star. Lou Nanne thought we could make duplicates for team members, but that did not work out with the jeweler. I am willing to entertain offers for some of our stuff. I've been out of work and really could use the money. We were Jack and Barbara Onstott. There was lots of interaction with our son and the players through the fan club. Many pictures in the locker room. Anyway, what is Minnesota without the Northstars? Unreal!! Thank you
Barbara onstott Miles
I was fortunate to work with Lou Nanne and co-author his new book - A PASSION TO WIN. If anyone is interested in a personalized autographed copy, please let me know. The book retails for $24.95 plus tax and can be purchased and sent directly to you for $25.00 which will cover the tax and shipping. Please let me know if interested.
Contact: Jim Bruton Thanks!
Geoff Kirbyson from the Winnipeg Free Press here.
As you can imagine, it's been crazy around here the last few days.
I'm writing a story on what the potential name might be and a friend of mine told me about a
North Stars fan who still wears North Stars gear to Wild games.
He was on sports radio here and talked about his dedication to the old name.
Do you know anybody like this that I could talk to?
Is there a recording either audio or video of Jimmie Bower's National Anthem anywhere on-line? It would be a neat addition to this site.
Webmaster Comment: I would be glad to include a recording or any informatin about Jim Bowers on the website if anyone would send me some.
I am an old diehard North Star fan. We were trying to remember the guys name who always sang the
National Anthem at the Met Center. Jim Bauer? Jim Bruer?
He sang the best anthem I've ever heard anywhere. Please help if you know.
Thank you in advance!
Is there a listing on this website of all former players? If not, I'm interested to know if there was a player called Jason Kurek. Thank you.
Faye Lambert
I have an 89-90 MN North Stars calendar in good shape with photos of BROTEN, GAGNER, GAVIN, MODANO, BELLOWS, BARBER, CASEY, CHAMBERS, GILES, BROOKE, McRAE & TAKKO. Calendar is clean – never written on. I would sell if anyone is interested.
Old fan in Mound,
My name is Pierre Ingram. I am a Realtor in the Coachella Valley/Palm Springs area in California.
I play in an adult league which just started in September 2011. We are so happy to finally have a decent sheet of ice to continue playing hockey.
I am originally from New York and grew up playing hockey in Montreal, Canada. I manage our team which I have named the Desert North Stars.
I did so because we have a few guys on the team from Minnesota some of who were Gophers and we were originally called the Stars and then I suggested Desert North Stars and everyone was on board with that.
The reason I was asking is that I thought MAYBE you might have some old practice jersey’s we could buy from you.
I know it is a long shot but thought I would ask.
Take care
Pierre A. Ingram
Palm Springs Realty Pros.
453 East Tahquitz Canyon
Palm Springs, CA. 92262
Cell: 760-641-8891
Fax: 866-211-1681
Toll Free: 800-841-3088
DRE# 01799481
I recently met an old hockey fan who told me of a great, promising goalie who vanished - John Kasper.
Are you able to tell me anything about when he played, what he is doing now, why he stopped?
Tx so much,
A Hockey Fan
During the 1967/68 NHL season I was a student at the University of Iowa. I attended a few Blues games at the Arena, but not too many. However I was home from school and in the Arena on a warm evening in May 1967. It was game 7 of the West Division Finals. The game was tied 1-1 when in the scond overtime the Blues number 10 Ron Schock rolled the puck across the goal line beating number 30 Cesare Maniago on his stick side. The Arena exploded. The next day the newspaper photo taken from behind the Minnesota goal read 'Ron Schock's goal that won the West'.
Two things happened to me that evening. My beloved Baseball Cardinals now have to share space in my heart with the Blues and a second hockey team caught my fancy, your North Stars. Was it the excitement of a seventh game going into a second sudden death overtime? Or perhaps it was how hard the Stars and Blues fought to win the series. Either way the North Stars have been a favorite of mine from that evening at the Arena.
I now live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. I've been to the Stars games when the Blues are in town but it just isn't the same. Like you, I too wish the North Stars were just that, the Minnesota North Stars. I guess it's true, nothing last forever. Pitty.
Rich Forcheimer
Keller, TX
Great website, I have some north stars memorabilia from all years.
Some very unique one of a kind items. Do you or anyone you know have any
interest in things like this?
Just wanted to make sure they would go to a good home and many things are a piece of North Stars history.
I'm having a discussion with my friends on this and I would appreciate your help.
I remember as a child a game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Minnesota North Stars
where Cesare Maniago received a puck in the face by Yvan Cournoyer.
I'm trying to pinpoint the date of the game, where it was played, and the final score - and if
Maniago finished the game (I don't think he did).
Any help would be appreciated.
Back in the 1970's, pro hockey seemed alot more fun. I was in my teens at the time, but lately with the Mn Wild something has changed. Mayby I am older is part of it, but it does'nt seem as fun to watch. Today, like in all sports its busines comes first. Free agency for one thing location another. back in the 70's teams had to make trades to aquire other players. Today if a player is offered a dime more by another team there gone. No loyalty. Location, its almost impossible to get to a game in time. ( northwest suburbs to St.Paul)
I feel the NHL has to many teams. When the North Stars played I never thought there would so many teams in southern states other than the L.A. Kings. One other point the price for a pro hockey game is out of sight. I follow the Mn Gophers. Tickets are half the price, and I feel its a better game. Larger ice surface more wide open, pros to much scruming along the boards. I don't know but it just isn't the same as it was back when.
I like your website. I'm 43 years old and still follow the Dallas Stars but it will never be as great as the North Stars , especially that 1991 playoff run. I live in Saint John New Brunswick Canada.
Hopefully you keep the website running.
Have to say how incredibly impressed I am that someone has the dedication and loyalty to maintain a site to my beloved north stars....sincere thanks....I've lived the vast majority of my 48 years in the New England region, save for two years in lovely new hope, minn. in the mid-1970's and a year in England in the mid-1980's....I have tremendously fond memories of Minnesota, but few sports memories more dear than the night my dad took me and two of his business clients to a stars' game vs. the Colorado Rockies....the stars blew the Rockies' doors clean off on that night in Bloomington, by a final score of 9-2 I believe....and my strongest memory of that great night was that my favorite North Star of the time - journeyman winger Pierre Jarry - had what was doubtless his biggest career night that evening by potting five goals and being named the game's number one star....after being a starry-eyed 10-year-old that night and moving back to New England a year or so later with my family, I became a sportswriter and have covered hundreds of hockey games over the last 27 years....but I have never seen a more impressive or memorable individual performance than the one Pierre Jarry delivered that night...God bless, and long live our North Stars....
Chris Pantazis, Manchester, NH
My name is Ed Tucker and I am looking for a Jim Bowers National Anthem recording.
Jim was the best ever!
I want to play it before my daughter's North Metro Star's hockey games.
Any info is greatly appreciated!
Ed Tucker
Great site! Are there any old game videos of the North Stars? I would love to get a full game video from the early days, if it exists. Any thoughts or ideas?
Kevin Williamson
Hi. Really nice website.
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, I was always a North Star fan.
Sat right next to their bench when they played the Pens back in the late 70's.
Closest I ever got to watch a pro game. I thought they had one of the coolest
team names and uniforms in hockey. Loved the logo! Might buy one of those jerseys
I still pull for the Wild but the name and logo are no match for the old team.
Best of luck this season.
Denny R
Chesapeake Beach, MD
Are there any old North Star radio broadcasts? If so I would love to purchase one or two.
Kevin Williamson
Bemidji, MN
got alot of northstars dvds.
FightGuy42's Dvds
I am originally from Blaine, Minnesota and saw on your website the Tribute to Jim Bowers
who used to sing the National Anthem at the North Star games and the Fighting Saints.
Jim's son Tim Bowers is owner of Anytime Fitness in Mound, MN. 2200 Commerce Blvd.
located in Mound, Minnesota. The fitnesss center's Phone from their
website is (952) 491-5200. and his son Tim would have more info. for your website regarding his Dad.
I lived in the Bower's neighborhood and was on the Blaine High School wrestling team with his son Tim in the late 70's early 80's. On occasion I would go along with them to a North Stars or Fighting Saints game where Jim would sing the national Anthem.
Back then Jim worked for McGarvey Coffee in addition to singing at the North Star games.
Thanks for having the MINNESOTA North Stars Website.
David Babler
Robert Jordan USAF 1971-78
Please write me and share a memorable North Stars story